One Year Without You.

My favorite memory is every memory. I didn’t know how much I cherished my childhood living next door to you guys until a year ago today and I wish I had cherished it earlier. My favorite memory is when Kendall came into our house one day when she was around 3 or 4 to get a snack and asked my mom “Where’s your Dad Suzanne?” My mom said “oh kendall, my dad passed away a long time ago, who are you talking about?” Kendall responded “no, your dad that lives with you.” She was talking about my own dad, Lenny. My mom always said she felt on top of the world that day by Kendall’s cute little comment. I could name 500 more I love you guys!
— Jenna Mercer
Kendall’s perseverance and dedication as an athlete and thoughtfulness and commitment to her friends are what I remember most about her. She was a beautiful girl inside and out and is deeply missed.
— Julie Smola
At her house after a PWEST hockey game, the boys went to her house with Cole and we all tagged along. We were messing around and taking pictures and stuff. And of course doing a lady and the tramp with candy!!
— Brianna Saavedra
Going on softball trips with Kendall and walking to a Lululemon or Starbucks then make our parents come pick us up because we didn’t want to walk back.
— Lauren Nichols
oh where do i start… the constant practices and games. the team activities. From picking the goofiest locker room song before games to pushing us everyday. Kendall was a star on and off the ice/field. But speaking from the hockey aspect… She pushed me to be better. I looked up to her and i’ll forever be grateful for that oh captain my captain you’ll forever be in my heart.
— Nellie Lanxon
Sooooo I was a year older than ken so I was always the Uber. But I always put her in charge of directions and music. So EVERY-TIME we would drive in Des Peres- she would say depress or “desperes” kind of sounding like an accent. She never learned lol she’d say one or the other. cracked me up every time.
— Alexa Meis
I remember one day I was just having an awful day. I had study hall with kendall and came in as such a mess. She just listened to me talk and made me feel so much better. Kendall was someone I could always go to no matter what the situation was. I am so grateful to have had such an amazing friend and will forever cherish the time I had with her.
— Erica Conger
One of my favorite memories of Kendall is at one of her birthday parties with all of her softball besties. We swam all night and would always see who could break open the piñata first. (it was almost always ken haha!) We made it our number one priority to bother cole. We made a pact to pull an all nighter and said whoever falls asleep first gets a punishment. So, when the first teammate fell asleep (riley haha) me and kendall snuck upstairs to grab whip cream out of the fridge and covered riley in it. She was so mad but me and kendall thought it was the funniest thing ever. To keep ourselves occupied the rest of the night, we made slime and recorded fake ghost story’s on kendall’s ipad. Kendall was my very first sleepover and she always made me feel like a sister. I will forever cherish all of our memories that we made together.
— Sophie Mazzola
I remember Kendall at the butterfly house before her parkway west homecoming. She had so many friends to take photos with and kept needing her mom to run around and not miss a single moment. I remember Kendall looking beyond beautiful that night and standing out among the sea of people. She didn’t even realize just how much she stood out. That’s what made it even more special in my eyes
— Rachel Chandler
Kendall is frozen in my memory as the little girl twirling in her dress at my wedding in 2012. Bright green eyes, long blonde hair, holding hands spinning around in circles on the dance floor. She was the sweetest most precious little girl, always the biggest smile in the room, always so adventurous and fun. We all took advantage of the presence she brought with her everywhere. At every family event there is a piece missing, I strive to leave an impression with my family and loved ones, just as Kendall did. KJ forever. Thank you for the gift of being your cousin. Can’t wait to meet again.
— Kelli Donat
I miss Kendall today and everyday. I will never forget my trip with her, Abby, and Maddy Bach. We went to Michigan, and we had so much fun. I had never met Kendall before that trip and I’m so glad I had to privilege of meeting and having a week long sleepover with her! I will always remember her humor and infinite care for those around her. After that trip, I considered her a little sister to me and I have ever since.
— Grace Fassler
Kendall and I would stay in Jett’s classroom for an extra ten minutes after every ac lab. She had study hall that hour but somehow convinced her teacher to let her come in late twice a week. We would sit in Jett’s classroom joking around and laughing until we cried. I’m normally so worried about doing everything right at school and doing exactly what the teachers want but Kendall showed me that you can have fun and goof around still be a good student.
— Siena Snyder
One of my favorite memories of Kendall will always be us sitting in the main lobby of parkway west during study hall. I had Door Dashed food and had gotten edamame. Kendall was very curious so I let her try one and next thing I know, she’s eating it skin and all. She looks at me and tells me how it’s a weird texture and I could not stop laughing and then explained to her you don’t eat the whole thing. Well about 5 minutes later she asks for another one and once again eats the whole thing because it’s to much work to eat it the right way. Edamame will always remind me of her.
— Skyler Gulino
As I did not get the chance to know Kendall personally, I am lucky enough to be currently coaching some of her friends on one of the 18u Chaos teams. The way they speak her name, shine her light and remember her everyday is a true dictation of the kind of light this young lady was and always will be. She shines every day through these kids and that will forever remain. My thoughts and prayers are sent to the family during the heavy time.
— Katlyn Thomas
kendall was one of a kind, truly such a sweet soul. a memory i would share is whenever we were little kids we would always hangout, and we had our 5th grade kickball tournament in mr.walls class, and we were the class that won the tournament. but everyone was telling us that we cheated and we played unfairly and kendall looks at me and says “we won that’s all that matters, and we shouldn’t care what people think.” i stick by that. she had such a bright soul, and i’m glad i got to grow up with her.
— Zoey Ware
We became close in second grade as we both had Ms.Sneed. I remember we wanted to write a story during our free time so I went out the next day and bought rainbow pens and we wrote a very small story in rainbow order. it was probably 6 sentences and then we stopped but I cherish that memory. and also that year she taught me how to tear paper the write way without scissors (really weird memory I hold onto but i use it every once in a while).
— Addison Merz
I remember the first time i met kendall. We hung-out with a group of people and I truly remember her and I being so bored so we went to kirkwood and went back to her house with two other girls. Even though it was the first time we ever hungout, she immediately was like “SLEEP OVER SLEEP OVER” and of course i could not turn that down. Our dumb selves post mated blue raspberry slushees at 12 am even though we did not realize they would be melted. Cole’s friends were over and he was not even home and I remember kendall saying “let’s go swim with them!!!” I was like wow who is this girl with so much energy. I love it. We ended up making tiktok’s and taking selfies with our slushees and not swimming because the pool was “too cold” I will never forget how we clicked so easily and that night will stick with me forever.
— Allison Scneithorst
In 4th grade Kendall and I would hang out a lot, at lunch we would sit at the end of the table together, recess we played four square, and we played violin together in orchestra. We were becoming really good friends, we had Mrs. Simmons together. One day she invited me over to her house and we made pizza together for dinner, drank Dr. Pepper, and watched Dr. Pimple Popper together. It was so much fun, I remember telling my mom that I wanted to have another playdate with her. I was beaming with joy. We constantly giggled and shared Jokes. The kindness she showed me, that night, I will never forget. Such a simple memory, but an extraordinary way to remember her.
— Gianna Lionell
It was freshman year and I was so nervous going to our high school softball camp. The first person I saw when I pulled up was Kendall and she walked in with me. I instantly felt better and we just talked about how nervous and excited we were for the season. She always had a smile on her face during softball.
— Alexa Riddel
Kendall was one of the first to greet Alexa when we moved to St. Louis 3 years ago. She was so kind to her. Her warm smile and heart of gold made the transition to a new middle school alot easier for her. Thank you, Kendall!
— Beth Jones
Some of my fondest memories as a kid were playing wiffleball in the yard with Kendall, Cole, and Collin. Kendall was always on my team because I was the oldest and she was the youngest. That was fine with me, since I thought she was better than Cole and Collin anyways. Although she was the youngest, she sure didn’t act like it nor did she play like it.

I never let her pitch because I told her she was too young. She begged me and threatened to stop playing if I didn’t let her. I gave in and of course she proved me wrong in typical Kendall fashion. With a cocky attitude and unwavering confidence, she struck out both Cole and Collin. I learned from that day to never doubt Kendall. She was so gifted and had a natural ability to be able to accomplish anything.
— Drew Taylor
I have so many memories of Kendall but the one that resonates the most is being her practice catcher during softball pitching lessons. Her work ethic was uncanny and her desire to be great was off the charts. She was a bit wild early on (I had some bruised shins for sure) but given her positive attitude she turned into a strike throwing machine! That was Kendall. She conquered everything she put her mind to.
— Mike Taylor

A letter from Kendall’s Mom