A letter from Kendall’s Mom

What happened to Kendall cannot be made right and what we lost cannot be restored.  Acknowledgment is everything!  We will grieve the gaping hole that Kendall left in our hearts forever, however Kendall would want us to do more, to do better.  Creating the Kendall Johnson Foundation is a way to do that, and help others in need, the way we have been helped through this tragedy that shook our community to the core. 

Sports taught Kendall a lot of health benefits, physical and mental.  They taught her confidence, self-esteem, teamwork and cooperation, and most importantly leadership and decision-making skills on and off the field.  Kendall had an indomitable spirit and was very passionate, dedicated, and loved sports.  We couldn’t think of a better way to keep her memory alive and honor the remarkable person she was on and off the field than to help others succeed and live out their dreams to play collegiate softball and to help families where tragedy has struck and there is a need for support.  Thank you so much for the “acknowledgment”, it truly leaves us feeling so humbled and blessed.

-Michelle Taylor


One Year Without You.